10. British Army They started serving the British Army in the early 1990’s but they are not allowed in any combat operations either in...
30. The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland) 29. Cathedral of Brasilia (Brazil) 28. La Pedrera (Barcelona, Spain) 27. Atomium (Brussels, Belgium) 26. Museum of Contemporary Art...
There have been a lot of evil persons in the history of the world who made it a live river of blood, killed people brutally, did...
They are young, famous, and rich. In other words, they are living “the dream”. Here are the top 10 richest teenangers in the world. 10. Jaden...
The most important ingredient that you will find in almost all the Chinese foods is rice, along with some specific sauces and oils, such as say...
Guitar is one of the most popular and favorite music instrument in the world of music. These days mostly the electric guitars have taken over the...
Liam Martin has to be the funniest 17 year olds on the planet. One thing Liam displays regularly is his love for cross-dressing like celebrities. It’s...
We all love film heroes because they seem to be powerful & intelligent in the movies. Terminator, Predator & True Lies of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Indiana Jones...
10. The Galaxy’s Most Adorable Planet The cosmos don’t often get cute, but when it comes to a little world that goes by the prosaic name...
Butterflies are most beautiful, colorful & wonderful creatures in the world mostly seen in green places. Their fascinating & amazing colors attract us & beautify the...